Travel-sized toothpaste tubes are almost a necessity when travelling, but you can end up wasting money over the years if you keep buying new ones every time you go on vacation. For just a few bucks, however, Instructables user EnergyHandman created a tube refiller and you can too with a little sugru and two toothpaste caps.
If you’re not familiar, sugru is a substance that starts off like modelling clay that turns into a flexible silicone overnight when exposed to air. It’s really useful when making custom things like this travel toothpaste filler. You only need one packet, which costs about $1.66, a drill, and two extra toothpaste caps. Once you’ve got those, you basically just need to drill holes in the top of each toothpaste cap and combine them with sugru. Once the sugru finishes curing (24 hours later), you just need to screw one end to a big tube of toothpaste and the other end to a little one and squeeze until the little one is full again. That’s it! Now you don’t have to waste money buying new travel-sized toothpaste tubes every time you go on vacation.
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