Android: SwiftKey X, one of our favourite alternative Android keyboards, emerged from beta this morning with support for Android tablets and big improvements to its word prediction technology. SwiftKey X also now allows you to select whether you’re a sloppy or accurate typer, and will adjust its predictions based on your selection.
Developers have improved the prediction with the new release, and SwiftKey X still learns from language you use in services like Gmail, Twitter and Facebook to understand the words you commonly use and how you use them. The tablet version of SwiftKey X is optimised for large displays and includes all of the features in the phone version.
To celebrate the update, SwiftKey is selling SwiftKey X and SwiftKey Tablet X for $2.27 each in the Android App Market. After Saturday, the prices will go up to $3.74 and $4.86 respectively. If SwiftKey X isn’t for you, check out our guide on how to find the right Android keyboard that works for you.
A Year On, SwiftKey X and SwiftKey Tablet X Hit [SwiftKey Blog via SwiftKey X]
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