Windows/Mac OS X: is a free app that scans the iTunes apps folder, creates a list of all your installed apps, and lets you share it with a simple short link. With this app, you don’t have to cringe when friends or family get a new iPhone or iPad and ask the inevitable question: “What apps should I get?” You can just tell them you’ve got a link for them to click, and send them an Applist of your favourites.
You can choose which apps you want included in the generated list by just checking them off, so if you only wanted to share a few apps (out of the hundred you might have installed), you can do that. The link you share lays out all the apps in an easily-readable grid, showing short summaries, prices, and a link to each app’s App Store page.
There’s no account to sign up for, and the app itself is free.
Applist.Me [via How-To Geek]
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