Google asked users of its Tasks app what features it should add, and more than 17,000 responded. We found Tasks a bit anaemic, but Google’s post raises the question: How would you balance usability and features in Your Ultimate Task App?
In other words, while we initially wished that Tasks do a bit more than just serve as a kind of Gmail-only scratchpad for to-dos, we know from experience that to-do apps often try to do far too much more outside the strict task realm — and often try to make their users work in a certain way, rather than be flexible enough to work inside users’ own habits and systems.
So, what if you were given a team of programmers, a heap of money and free licence to create the ultimate to-do app, with no need to have it make money? How would you be able to add and edit your lists? How does it remind you, in a way that’s effective but not so intrusive you become numb to it?
Tell us about your dream to-do list app, your master task organiser, or whatever kind of app you’d like made in the comments. We might just get around to culling the snappiest ideas for a future post — you know, if we remember to tackle it.
Top tasks for Google Tasks [Official Gmail Blog]
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