In the current economy those out of work are sending out more resumes and going to more interviews than ever to land the job they want. Turn the inevitable rejections into a chance to improve your game.
Photo by Alex.
Business and finance blog The Wisdom Journal shares a set of techniques for handling interview rejection including debriefing yourself.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Interview rejection is rarely personal. Take a few moments after each interview and go through a “debriefing” period by asking yourself a few questions:
- What did I learn from this interview?
- Was I as prepared as I thought?
- What could I have done or said differently?
- How can I be better prepared for my next interview?
While, on the surface, elementary in nature the questions can help you form a plan of attack for your next interview by objectively evaluating your interview experience. Check out the full article for more ideas or check out other articles about interviewing like Seemingly Harmless Job Interview Questions that Mean a Lot and how to Write a Resume that Lands an Interview.
How To Debrief Yourself After Interview Rejection [The Wisdom Journal via Wise Bread]
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