If you’re literal-minded about it, attending conferences, trade shows, networking nights and other social-minded affairs doesn’t seem to have much real-world pay-off. Skip them all though, and you’ll definitely miss out. One experienced schmooze analyst offers advice on picking the winners.
Dev Aujla explains in GOOD that one should be strategic, but not exclusive, in picking out the out-of-office events that will eventually pay off. Culled from interviews and attendance at events with venture capitalists, he uses their thinking their explain how to spread yourself out and have more fun doing it. Among the points:
2. Expect to fail
When a venture capitalists invest in ten companies, they expect to lose their money on half of their investments, to break even on two, to make a modest sum on one or two and, hopefully, to have runaway successes on the others. Apply this principal to all the events you attend. By doing so, you will expect less from each event, be more relaxed, build real relationships, and eventually find that one win you need.
I’m definitely a bit too literal in expecting to generate productive leads and contacts at everything I attend with my work hat on. How do you decide which social business events you attend?
The Event Formula [GOOD]
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