Ice TV has temporarily cut the price of its 12-month subscription from $99 to $69 in a deal being promoted as a celebration of its recent court victory over Channel Nine. Existing users can also extend their accounts under the deal, so it’s an option to consider if you’re happy paying for your electronic program guide. (The promotion expires May 22.) Ice TV
Ice TV Cuts Subscription Price
One response to “Ice TV Cuts Subscription Price”
As we know, Channel Nine had two ways of putting IceTV out of business. One was the court case, the other was the timing of that case which was designed to scare off investors just as IceTV was about to go public.
They had no luck with the first, I just hope that this promotion is not a sign that Nine succeeded with the second. I use IceTV’s EPG extensively, they are a first class service and I would have been happy to pay full price, although I did take advantage of the discount to renew …. times are tough blah blah blah ….
Another threat to our viewing freedom is the ironically named “Freeview” – certainly one to watch.
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