weight loss

  • Count Macronutrients Instead Of Kilojoules For Better Diet Success

    Count Macronutrients Instead Of Kilojoules For Better Diet Success

    If you’ve ever read a fitness blog, forum, or even Instagram, you’ve probably heard the term macros thrown around. Short for “macronutrients”, it refers to carbs, fats and proteins – the three basic components of every diet. If you get their proportions right, it makes dieting a lot more effective when simple calorie restriction fails.

  • What Causes The ‘Dadbod’ (And How To Reverse It)

    What Causes The ‘Dadbod’ (And How To Reverse It)

    Ah, the “dadbod”. A recently-coined term, it describes the body of a man whose belly suggests that he’s had a few thousand beers during grand final season. Now, he’s not “fat” by any means. In fact, his broad shoulders suggests that he balances his pizza intake with bench presses and curls. So how does this…

  • The Pros And Cons Of Whole30 Diets

    The Pros And Cons Of Whole30 Diets

    The Whole30 diet declares swaths of food off-limits, and sets up ironclad rules about the little that’s left. That means it checks a lot of boxes for a fad diet or one that’s too draconian to be effective. But there’s good here too, enough that it might help if you know what you’re in for.

  • How I Lost 20 Kilograms In A Year

    Every year, for many, many years, I would promise myself I’d lose weight. Sometimes I would make a little headway, but mostly I didn’t. Then in 2017, it happened. Like most huge changes, it was actually lots of little choices adding up to something big. Here’s how I did it.