
  • Maybe Don’t Update ‘Tears of the Kingdom’

    Maybe Don’t Update ‘Tears of the Kingdom’

    For a game as complex as The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, it’s remarkably bug-free. You can run around Hyrule, build whatever you want, and dive from the sky all day without encountering a single issue. Still, as with all software, a few glitches have popped up, which Nintendo has now patched in…

  • Why You Need to Stop ‘Rage Applying’ for Jobs

    Why You Need to Stop ‘Rage Applying’ for Jobs

    What do you do when you feel undervalued, unsupported, and unhappy at work? One way to harness your anger is to send out a flurry of job applications — you don’t care where your resume is going, just so long as you’re doing something with all the anger you feel at your current gig.