
  • How to Set up Windows 11 Without a Microsoft Account

    How to Set up Windows 11 Without a Microsoft Account

    Using a Microsoft account with Windows 11 is the best way to access all of its features, including Microsoft Copilot, OneDrive, and more. But some people just don’t want to use a Microsoft Account and have all of their data connected to the cloud, and that’s fine. If you’re one of those people, or if…

  • Amazon Wants You to Start Paying for Alexa

    Amazon Wants You to Start Paying for Alexa

    More than 75 million people use Alexa, but by Amazon’s standards, the service is a total failure. The problem is Alexa doesn’t make any money, and the service is a huge drain on company resources. Apparently, Amazon has a last-ditch plan to save its digital assistant by supercharging it with AI and charging you for…