
  • The Difference Between a Good and Bad Follower at Work

    The Difference Between a Good and Bad Follower at Work

    Often called the “other side of leadership,” followership is an important factor in career success. This is to find value in someone else’s vision, follow it, question and challenge it, but also ultimately support it — even if you don’t agree with it. A follower asks questions, listens well, and offers guidance and perspective. They…

  • Why Saying ‘I Don’t Know’ Makes You a Great Leader

    Why Saying ‘I Don’t Know’ Makes You a Great Leader

    There are three words that can separate a strong leader from an insecure one, and they are as follows: “I don’t know.” It may feel counterintuitive that the person who should have all the answers, often doesn’t — but many books on leadership and management suggest that a good leader should be adept at knowing…

  • Don’t Tear Down Chesterton’s Fence

    There’s this incredibly stupid phenomenon in Hollywood studios. When a new studio exec replaces an old one, they throw out all the old film projects in development, and they start new ones. You’ve seen this happen in your own industry (and so have I), because this is what new bosses do. They change things. That’s…