
  • Furi’s Fancy Knife Sets Are up to 65% off Right Now

    Furi’s Fancy Knife Sets Are up to 65% off Right Now

    While it’s easy to buy a cheap knife block set, the material quality of these blades is usually a reflection of their price, so they’ll dull quite fast. While there’s a notion that fancy, high-grade knives will cost hundreds of dollars for a single blade, there are some affordable but good options out there. As…

  • 18 Kitchen Knives You Might Encounter (and What They’re Actually For)

    18 Kitchen Knives You Might Encounter (and What They’re Actually For)

    If you’ve been feeding yourself for any real length of time, you have probably realised there’s a difference between “preparing food” and actual cooking. Mixing up some boxed mac & cheese and calling it dinner isn’t exactly the same thing as whipping up artichoke-stuffed beef tenderloin with a side of fingerling potatoes. At this point,…

  • Always Take a Knife on Vacation

    Always Take a Knife on Vacation

    My grandfather knew what he was doing when he told me to “always carry a pocket knife.” Spending the last few weeks of summer at the beach? You should take a knife. Traipsing off to a cabin the mountains? Take a knife. Spending some time in a luxurious hotel in the middle of a bustling…