
  • The Best Apps to Download and Archive YouTube Videos

    The Best Apps to Download and Archive YouTube Videos

    In one of the more bizarre tech gambits in some time, the Recording Industry Association of America has taken the fight against digital piracy to an unexpected level: targeting an open-source program one might use to do something they shouldn’t online, regardless of whether the program can also be used for legal purposes.

  • A Beginner’s Guide To BitTorrent

    From your geeky roommates who eat up your internet connection at all hours of the night to your luddite family members, nearly everyone knows what BitTorrent is nowadays. They might not be able to describe how it works, or even legal ways they can use it, but they know it exists. (If you’re a little…

  • Anki Teaches Text, Audio Or Images Through Repetition

    Windows/Mac/Linux (all platforms): ANki, a free “spaced repetition system” (i.e. flashcard-style memorisation tool), offers a gentle learning curve, a pared-down software interface, and online access and synchronisation. Once you install and launch Anki, you can easily spend hours discovering all its neat capabilities and tricks—like an HTML editor for manually designing your “cards,” audio embedding,…