
  • How To Get A Stronger Support Grip For Deadlifts And Hangs

    When you first start doing deadlifts, you’re probably thinking about how hard they are for your back, your butt, your legs. But once the motion is second nature, another body part comes into play: your hands. Once the weight gets heavy enough, your grip may have trouble supporting it.

  • If You Deadlift, Get Deadlift Socks

    You do not need special socks to be able to pick up a barbell and put it down again. They are not necessary in any way. But I found my deadlift training sessions went better after I started wearing kneesocks, and I think if you haven’t tried the socks, maybe you should.

  • Psyching Yourself Up For A Deadlift Workout

    Psyching Yourself Up For A Deadlift Workout

    We’re deadlifting this month, and I’d love to hear how it’s going for everyone so far. (I did one workout already, and will try to get in two next week.) But if you’re new to this, or if you find the move intimidating, we have some suggestions for how to prepare.