
  • Why You Should Schedule Your Stress

    Why You Should Schedule Your Stress

    All day, every day: It’s stress o’clock. While all you might want to do is push away your worries, if you really want to get a sense of control, you need to tackle them with intention. To accomplish this, set aside a designated time to do nothing but stress. Here’s what to know about taking…

  • Never Start With A Blank Page

    Creative block is over, if you want it. If you’re stuck without ideas in a brainstorm or a project, you just need to use this simple system: consume things, take notes, and bring those notes with you. Here’s how to do that effectively.

  • The Best Brainstorming Is Divergent

    The Best Brainstorming Is Divergent

    You have a problem. You gather a group of smart, creative people and say, Let’s brainstorm. Together, you bounce around a bunch of ideas, whittling and honing them until you arrive at it: The Solution.