Lillet And Tonic Is The Perfect Low-Proof Sipper

I am a lazy person, which means I need a steady stream of easy-to-make, but not too boozy cocktails to keep me calm. Gin and tonic works for a bit, but guzzling gin, no matter how diluted, can get one into trouble.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”” title=”How To Choose Quality Tonic Water For Your G&T” excerpt=”The gin & tonic is thing of elegant simplicity but, since the mixer makes up the majority of the drink, a lot is riding on the tonic. Luckily, there are a lot of quality quinine-flavored offerings out there—including syrups! You just have to know what to look for.”]

This is all to say that I have become a big fan of Lillet Blanc and tonic. The wine-based aperitif has an ABV of 17 per cent — less than half of gin — and its fruity character plays very well with bittersweet tonic. I like mine with a slightly muddled slice of orange, but a small handful of raspberries works just as well.

There’s no need for a stirring vessel — this baby can be built right in the glass. To make it, you will need:

  • 45ml Lillet Blanc
  • Half an orange round (or another fruit if you like)
  • Really good tonic

Place the orange slice in the glass and gently muddle by pressing on it four or five times with a wooden spoon. Add the Lillet, give it a stir, then add a big ice cube (or a handful of regular ice) and top with tonic. Sip and repeat as needed, until you are calm.


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